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Milestones - with JSON

Demonstrate the highlights of your career by adding Milestones to your Profile. This could be when you got your first job or reaching 100k followers/subscribers.

Example of BioDrop Milestones

Add Milestone

  1. Find your json file in the data folder using your GitHub username, for example data/sarajaoude.json

If you need help on how to edit this file, please see the Editing Guide

  1. Add a collection called milestones at the root of your json file which will contain one or more social objects. Each social object must have six fields, title, date, icon, description and url, which will look like this:
    "title": "Started Freelancing",
    "date": "5/2/2023",
    "icon": "FaDollarSign",
    "description": "Started my own business",
    "url": ""
titletrueMain heading of the milestone
icontrueWhat icon would you like displayed with this milestone
descriptiontrueMore details about the milestone, this can include markdown
urltrueWhere can people learn more about the milestone
isGoalfalseIf this is a future goal

This is what a complete example looks like:

"milestones": [
        "title": "Started Freelancing",
        "date": "5/2/2023",
        "icon": "FaDollarSign",
        "description": "Started my own business",
        "url": ""
  1. Now you can commit your file and create a Pull Request, for more details please see Editing Guide